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Development services for the Township of Spallumcheen include implementation of the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaws, processing of Development Permits and Development Variance Permits, Building Permits and Mapping.
**Prior to submitting your application, please ensure your application is complete, with original signatures, and includes all required documentation. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. All applications must be submitted in person at the Township office. Emailed applications will not be accepted. The application fee, payable by debit card or cheque, must be made at the time of submission. Our apologies, but cash will not be accepted.
*Land Use Applications * Prior to submitting your completed land use application, please make an appointment with our planning department by emailing planner@spallumcheentwp.bc.ca
The Official Community Plan (OCP) is a general statement of the broad objectives and policies of the Township that addresses the form and character of existing and proposed land use issues. In this manner the OCP combines research conducted by planning staff with input from the residents of the municipality to create a vision statement for land use and development. The OCP is written in the form of a bylaw that is formally adopted by the Council. The Official Community Plan can address the location, type and density of residential development, as well as current and proposed industrial, commercial, agricultural and recreational land uses. The OCP can also identify the approximate locations and phasing of any major roads, sewer lines or water systems. The OCP has recently been updated by Council, with Community Consultation.
Like the adoption of the Official Community Plan any amendments to the OCP require a Public Hearing and consultation with surrounding local governments, the Agricultural Land Commission and the Ministry of Transportation. Download the Official Community Plan/Zoning Amendment Application.
Zoning is land use regulation established by bylaw as permitted by the B.C. Local Government Act. Local governments may regulate the use of land and set minimum parcel sizes within a defined area. The Zoning Bylaw is a product of the Official Community Plan (OCP) and contains the day-to-day information on how the broad objectives of the OCP will be realized. The Zoning Bylaw includes everything from permitted land uses to the number of buildings per lot; setbacks from property lines and water bodies; and the maximum number of animals permitted per property. One prime purpose of zoning is to provide property owners protection against changes in the use of neighbouring parcels of land that may result in a conflict or devaluation of property, or affect the environment or community lifestyle. This protection is achieved by requiring a property owner who proposes a change in the use of land to make an application to Council. The Zoning Bylaw is often reviewed following the update of the Official Community Plan. Like the OCP, the Zoning Bylaw review involves public consultation. Adoption of the Zoning Bylaw and any subsequent amendments to it require a Public Hearing and can involve consultation with surrounding local governments, the Agricultural Land Commission and the Ministry of Transportation.
If you are considering making an application for Zoning Bylaw or OCP Amendment please contact the Development Services Department at 250-546-3013 or planner@spallumcheentwp.bc.ca to discuss your proposal prior to making a formal application.
A Development Permit (DP) is a type of development approval given by Council that sets conditions under which development may occur within a Development Permit Area (DPA). An Official Community Plan (OCP) may designate Development Permit Areas and outline guidelines that a DP application will be evaluated against. It may also include exemptions that apply to certain situations. The inclusion of DPAs in the OCP allows Council to exert greater control over the land use; parking; form and character of buildings, landscaping and screening; and environmental requirements such as stormwater management. Currently all lands in the OCP designated Industrial and those designated Commercial along the Highway 97 and Highway 97A corridors require a Development Permit as a prerequisite to a building permit.
Before submitting an application, applicants are advised to discuss their proposal with Planning and Development Services staff. Staff will provide information about the review process, the nature of the DP Area, and the applicable development guidelines.
In some cases compliance with zoning regulations may be difficult to achieve. This may be due to the design of the structure, the shape of the parcel, a physical constraint of the property, or as a matter of personal preference. For this reason, procedures are in place which may be used to request relaxation of these requirements. A Development Variance Permit (DVP) allows a property owner to vary some of the requirements of the Zoning Bylaw. These variances are usually related to setback and height restrictions that are particular to the applicable parcel. Land use and density cannot be varied by a DVP. Any application for a DVP will require notification of the requested variance to all properties adjacent to the subject property. This notification must be done a minimum of 10 days before the meeting at which the variance request will be reviewed by council. Anyone with an interest in the property is given the opportunity to address Council, whether they are in support of, or opposed to the proposal. If approved the DVP is officially registered on the title of the property. Application for Permit (DVP/DP/TUP/Campground/MH Community)
The word ‘subdivision’ typically invokes images of a unified residential neighbourhood. However, a subdivision can be as simple as separating a large parcel of property into two or more parcels or realigning the boundaries of two or more co-joined parcels. In both cases, subdivisions are only allowed if the parcels to be created comply with the minimum lot size in the Zoning Bylaw.
Subdivision Application
Subdivision Guide
Properties located in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) are subject to the regulations of the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC), in addition to the Township’s Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaws. These regulations can place additional restraints on land use and subdivision of land with the intent to preserve viable farmland for the long term. Properties located in the ALR require an additional level of approval, along with the requisite additional forms and costs. Application must be made to exclude, include, subdivide or permit a non-farm use in the Agricultural Land Reserve. All of these applications cost $1500.00. Applications must be approved by Council, prior to proceeding to the ALC for adjudication. Applications not approved by Council are eligible for a partial refund of the application fees. More information and application forms can be found at the Agricultural Land Commission.
The Hillside Development Guidelines have been created to assist the Township and the development community in achieving environmentally sound, attractive and livable hillside neighbourhoods. It is the Township’s intent that these guidelines will provide a standard of development which results in appropriate residential hillside development, while promoting innovation and flexibility to enhance the area’s unique hillside character. Hillside requirements are intended to enhance the desirability and marketability of hillside developments, while supporting the key goal of managing hillside development. Hillside requirements are necessary for review of all forms of hillside development including building permits, development permits, development variance permits, rezoning and Official Community Plan amendments.
Southeast Sector Plan Phase 1 Back Ground Report
Given Spallumcheen's large agricultural land base, there is a need to review other opportunities for growth within the area. Spallumcheen's current Official Community Plan recognizes that there opportunities for growth in hillside areas and sets the stage for further planning for the Southeast Sector, subject to the provision of adequate road access and infrastructure services.
The Township envisions a safe, connected, and accessible network of recreational and commuter trails and cycling routes that provides more sustainable transportation options and choices for its residents. In collaboration with our neighbouring communities and partners, our trails and cycling routes will attract economic and tourism benefits that highlight local culture, support a healthy environment, and encourage an active community.
The Active Transportation Plan (Plan) is a guiding document that helps set a direction for the Townships planning in relation to Active Transportation. This plan was adopted at the August 18, 2021 Regular Council meeting.