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Dog and Large Animal Control Services are provided by Coba: Protective Services BC.
All concerns and inquiries related to Dog and Large animals are to be directed to the Township offices at: • Email: mail@spallumcheentwp.bc.ca • Phone: (250) 546-3013 All complaints relating to Dog and Large Animal Control are required to be in writing. Verbal, incomplete or anonymous complaints will not be actioned. Please use the complaint form below:
Complaint Form
Should an emergency situation related to Dog and Large Animal Control take place outside of office hours, please call the Township's answering service at 250-546-3013 and request to be contacted by Township staff. If the matter is determined to be non-emergent, it will be addressed the next business day.
The Township of Spallumcheen's Dog Licensing Program is a voluntary program and the fees are as follows:
2. Impoundment Fees:
In addition to licensing fees, the impoundment fee for each dog impounded shall be:
Dog Control and Voluntary Licensing Bylaw No. 1451, 1998 Consolidated Version March 2013
Complaint Policy
(the information provided is informational and does not represent the
full scope of the Township’s Bylaws. Please refer to individual bylaws to
ensure you are in compliance, or contact staff with any questions)
Bear awareness information is available at:
The Ministry of Environment – Conservation Officer Service – Reporting Human Wildlife Conflicts webpage . This webpage provides excellent, up-to-date information including, but not limited to who to contact, information on the Bear Aware and Bear Smart Programs and links to resources to help provide tips and strategies on how to reduce conflicts including: 10 Tips for Dealing with Bears; Safety Guide to Bears at your Home; and Safety Guide to Bears in the Wild. WildSafeBC is a program designed to reduce human-wildlife conflict through education, innovation and cooperation Wild Safe BC.
Be Bear Aware!